……every successful career is a series of successful assignments, and every successful assignment is launched with a successful transition.

Michael D. Watkins, The First 90 Days

Supporting senior executive programme

Starting a new role brings with it a certain level of confusion for the individual and the organisation, so within our Onboarding programme we have developed a unique Transition Model that accelerates a person through the period of uncertainty to a place of confidence, productivity, stability and impact.

We want to reduce any organisational risk that on-boarding can create and we want your employees to settle into their new role as quickly as possible and be a success. We want to make sure that individuals understand and embrace any behavioural changes needed to create an organisational fit – minimising any risk of new appointments de-railing.

Our Onboarding programme focuses on the following three areas:

Onboarding programme model


When starting a new role, with new colleagues and sometimes even a new location, our transition coaching supports an individual when they need it the most.
By providing support in a safe coaching environment our programme greatly increases the speed with which the individual can ‘hit the ground running’.

Changed Roles

We all react and adapt to change differently and at varying speeds.  When this involves a change in role it can sometimes lead to uncertainty for the individual and the team and organisation. We address the associated challenges and concerns for the individual during this time to form a supportive environment where stability and productivity is the goal.

Global Moves

Working globally has long been accepted as the norm but when faced with a new culture, altered customs, potential language barriers and new business challenges, an individual can very quickly feel swamped and overwhelmed.

Our global transition programme is designed to provide bespoke coaching and support throughout every stage of the journey. We also understand that these moves can impact the whole family so as part of this programme we also offer coaching support for partners as well.  

Our programmes are designed around the CDS Transition Model and Journal,  supporting clients in clarifying and effectively addressing their key challenges so that they can transition into their new role, new team and new context with positive impact and ease. 

How we have helped people with Onboarding

If you are recruiting or promoting new members to your organisation or team and you want to support them to ‘hit the ground running’ contact us today.

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